Ajoleblon...A Cajun Tale

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States
This journal is a bunch of rants about nothing. Mostly lighthearted happenings in the life of a woman who is very simple and who wants for nothing but greatly appreciates whatever is given. You will find nothing profound here but hopefully something that will make you laugh and that's what I enjoy doing most. Being humorous. Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness, and love. Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause.

Saturday, August 27, 2005


I am not in the mood to get ready for a hurricane but I have to look on the plus side of it...I get to see my grandson again this weekend.  My daughter is headed this way since they live about 30 miles from New Orleans and that's where Katrina is expected to hit.  If it turns more westward we will then head to my parents house in Texas.   I stayed here for Lily 3 years ago and that was one scarey storm. Talk about pray a lot of rosaries and I KNOW it helped.  A not well known fact....when Hurricane Audrey hit back in 1957 a group of ladies decided to pray the rosary every day to ask God never to allow another destructive hurricane like that to hit our area again.  Well you may not know this but Hurricane Lily was expected to hit and was a Category 4 hurricane prior to slamming into my little town but for some unknown reason (the rosaries)  it weakened to a Category 2 just prior to hitting land...something that had NEVER happened before in the history of hurricanes.  It completely stupified the meteorologist.   The power of prayer!

 I hope it doesn't directly hit New Orleans because it will completely destroy that city! Pray New Orleans!

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