Ajoleblon...A Cajun Tale

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Lafayette, Louisiana, United States
This journal is a bunch of rants about nothing. Mostly lighthearted happenings in the life of a woman who is very simple and who wants for nothing but greatly appreciates whatever is given. You will find nothing profound here but hopefully something that will make you laugh and that's what I enjoy doing most. Being humorous. Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness, and love. Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

postal service

Someone asked me today if the postal service was running here in my town.   Well it is in my little community but it made me think about all the surrounding areas that were flooded and the homes were moved to different locations by the water.  Do you deliver to the house or to the property?   I know of people's houses that are across the street from where they were prior to the flooding. What a nightmare!  Talk about making a postal worker go postal on ya!  LOL


Anonymous said...

Lord, I am subject to only using my imagination here. Seeing the images from television have been a rude awakening. God help the postal workers...


Anonymous said...

Hey....over here they're not delevering to either!!!!!!!!!