Ajoleblon...A Cajun Tale

My photo
Lafayette, Louisiana, United States
This journal is a bunch of rants about nothing. Mostly lighthearted happenings in the life of a woman who is very simple and who wants for nothing but greatly appreciates whatever is given. You will find nothing profound here but hopefully something that will make you laugh and that's what I enjoy doing most. Being humorous. Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness, and love. Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas Pictures

Here are a few pics I took of my favorite little man on Christmas morning.  I just know you are all dying to see them.

Here's my little Rocky Balboa.  He had a run in with a little boy at preschool.  Austin pushed him against a table and he has a black eye but of course when I tell him it's black he says "No!  Nammy it's blue" and of course he's correct.  With his missing two front teeth, he looks like a very abused child, but of course he's not.

I thought this picture was pretty cute with his shirt captioned "Having a Bad Toy Day" and then he opens a Barney tape and his tongue is sticking out to show his appreciation.

Son-n-law chilling out on the couch during these highly exciting festivities.  My daughter has delegated him to sleeping on the couch already.

Big old smile for the Elmo that knows his name.

I had to travel two hours to get to my Mom who is in the hospital with pnuemonia.  I know she's going to appreciate me posting this pic.  I drove there to cook for my Dad and brothers. Dad is peeking over the packages.

And here is me with my new shorter hairstyle.  I was so thoroughly pissed at my hairstylist but what the hell can  you expect from a Walmart Stylist. It was all one length and I asked her for LONG layers.  She didn't comprehend long.  You can tell by my smile I'm not too enthused.




Time for a highlight job...my roots are showing.  I promise I won't be going to Walmart for that.  Does Target have a hair salon?


Anonymous said...

Your Little man is a total cutie pie.
I can see what you are saying now about the first degree murder situation. LOL.
He looks like he had a wonderful christmas.
Wonderful Pictures.

Anonymous said...

Jiffy lube, they style your hair while they change your fluids

Anonymous said...

Your grandson is a cutie.  That picture of your son-in-law on the couch looks like MY son-in-law!

Anonymous said...

Your grandson is cute!!  Poor baby's eye!  Thank goodness they heal so quick!  Lelly

Anonymous said...


he's sucha cutie pie!!! Wow good for him defending himself already : ) got yourself a tough cookie there. great pics

Josie V.

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy...LOL.

I kinda have to disagree with your haircut assessment. I think it came out great. Really, I do.


Anonymous said...

Hope your Mom is doing better, too!

Anonymous said...

now....you shouldn't have been pissed.....I think your new style looks GREATTTT!!!!.......cute as hell!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey!  I like your hair!  It's so thick and pretty!  Smile girlfriend!  You're beautiful!!

The little guy does look like he got a nice little shiner there!  What happened?  Did the kid punch him, or what?  Geesh!  


Anonymous said...

So glad you had a great Christmas.  I can't imagine having to be in the hospital for Christmas so that was sweet of you to go visit her there!

And I agree with all of your other commentors....you look great.
