Ajoleblon...A Cajun Tale

My photo
Lafayette, Louisiana, United States
This journal is a bunch of rants about nothing. Mostly lighthearted happenings in the life of a woman who is very simple and who wants for nothing but greatly appreciates whatever is given. You will find nothing profound here but hopefully something that will make you laugh and that's what I enjoy doing most. Being humorous. Fight all error, but do it with good humor, patience, kindness, and love. Harshness will damage your own soul and spoil the best cause.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

A new beginning

In the words of a great friend :

"Some Times" a new beginning includes some of what we have already experienced.

Wishing you all a Happy New Beginning and may this coming year bring you experiences that you will cherish for a lifetime!



Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Pics

Santa was awesome this year!  He brought me the best gift ever but I will have to wait until New Years Eve to open it.  I will share the news when I find out how much I like it.

A few Christmas pictures:

A nice cozy fire.

Christmas Dinner in the making. 

The look of surprise when he received the only thing he asked for:  a nascar watch.

Brandi had the flu and wasn't feeling well but she's still gorgeous!

My son in law Barry


Matthew by the fire

Matthew enjoying his favorite gift....his video game.  Go figure!

Sure is tiring opening and playing with all those presents!


Hope everyone's Christmas was as blessed as mine!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Prayer

Sweet Jesus, You were born in a stable to become divine light in a dark, sinful world. Your little holy family was full of love, grace, kindness, and generosity. I ask Mary and Joseph to pray for my family to grow in the virtues that spring from unconditional love. I also ask them to pray for the growth of our faith. O Savior, increase our unity and give us a shared devotion to Your Holy Family. Purify me and teach me to identify my sins and change my ways so that Your light increases within me. Show me how to let Your light shine so brightly that my family sees You and is transformed by Your presence. Holy Family, pray for us. Amen.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

                                 Merry Christmas! 


My friend Bill in Colorado

Saturday, December 9, 2006

My little man

I have my little man with me this weekend (oh and his mom too but she's just the means to the end of getting him here. ;)   Brandi was able to sleep til 11 A.M. while I woke up with him and we decorated my huge Christmas Tree.  He did most of the decorating so when he leaves I will distribute the decorations more evenly.

And it truly is a wonder how an 88 cent toy can create hours of enjoyment for a 4 year old.  I bought this round ball made of nothing but  small suction cups and he spent hours this morning throwing it at everything to see where it would stick.  The look of fear on his little face when he threw it at the ceiling and it wouldn't come back down.  He thought he had lost it forever but Super Nammy to the rescue!  I am his hero!

His mother is up now and off to the Sonic to get us a gourmet dinner of Frito Pies, Chili Dogs and French Fries.  I will then take a long nap and dream of my arteries clogging with all the nutritious benefits I will be receiving from such a healthy meal. 

And tomorrow we get to go see the Doodle Bops, live and in concert.  OH BOY!  OH JOY!  I can't wait to return to tell you about that experience!

The Doodlebops

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Another Smell

This time of year, in my hometown, it is so nice to walk outside and smell the cool crisp syrupy air.  It always makes me hungry for pancakes because about one block from where I live, pure cane syrup is made.  There is nothing like the sweet smell of sugarcane being cooked into sweet syrup. 



 Hearing the Whistle and Smelling the Syrup: After a long hot southern summer, few things could be as welcomed as the cool autumn air complimented by the tantalizing aroma of syrup cooking at Steen's Syrup Mill. Mr. C. S. Steen, Sr. began this tradition in 1910 in an effort to save his frozen crop of sugarcane. Today, five generations later, the Mill still uses the original recipe and steam equipment continues to make pure cane syrup the ol' fashion way– open kettle. The traditional kick off of syrup making season is the sounding of the steam whistle. Locals know that when they hear this, it signals yet another year of history is being made and soon the rich aroma of syrup will fill the air.

The average syrup makin' season extends from mid-October thru Christmas. And today, as in the old days, when Autumn is here and the tantilizing aroma fills the air, local residents know they will hear the old steam whistle at the syrup mill blowing. Knowing yet another year of history is being made at The C.S. Steen Syrup Mill. "Comme delices du gourmet, il n'y a rien de meillieur." (For a gourmet's delight, there's nothing better.)

Welcome To Steen's Syrup

Monday, December 4, 2006


Due to comment  #7 in my last entry, it has been called to my attention by Professor Brainwhispers, that I made a horrendous error.  It seems my entry evoked the possibility that I may have smelled the testicles of a moth in church. 

I did not realize moths had testicles but it seems Professor (he doesn't carry this name for nothing) Brainwhisper knows and had the balls to correct me! 

So I bow to his superior knowledge in these matters and will mind my spelling in future entries.

Mothballs - the smelly stuff used to preserve clothing.

Moth balls - the testicles of moths

Okay I think I got it!

Sunday, December 3, 2006

The smells

I was in Mass tonight, and realized it's that time of year again, when due to the cold weather, the moth ball laden coats come out.  I smelled moth balls all around me as I was kneeling and praying.  Pew Wee!